
Topline OS. Built for Busy PR Pros Like You

Topline OS

How PR Pros Win With Topline OS

In the fast-paced world of public relations, Topline OS ensures your communications and client management are as dynamic and adaptable as the stories you tell:

1. Independent Relationship Management & Future-Proofing

Maintain an independent repository for all professional relationships, including contacts with agencies and journalists, separate from personal details and company affiliations, allowing for more flexible movement between PR roles and organizations if required.

2. Referral Management & Affiliate Tracking

Assert your role as a central connector in the PR industry by tracking referrals and potential commissions for advertising vendors, specialized consultants, or opportunities that may arise from conflict/agency policy reasons.

3. Always-On Client Support Systems

Offer clients round-the-clock reassurance with a sophisticated phone and SMS support system, crafting personalized workflows for immediate response in crisis or other urgent situations, solidifying client trust and satisfaction.

4. Enhanced Visibility with Integrated Marketing

Promote your unique competencies and creative specialties with Topline’s comprehensive marketing tools, using enhanced search and talent matching on to spotlight your PR expertise and attract new opportunities.

Topline OS: One platform. One Team. Many Superpowers

We help professionals get back to their profession.We do that by eliminating the tedious work of finding and managing customers. We believe that professionals should focus on the services they provide—the things they do better than everyone else—and that software and specialists can manage the rest.

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