

Non-profit Organizations


TAGUSVALLEY - is a Science and Technology Park located in Abrantes, in the center region of Portugal at 1h30 from Lisbon diretion north. Location dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation and technology. Member of the National Scientific and Technological System. Aggregating element of the business community - place of centralization and cooperation. Integrated in regional, national and international innovation networks. STRATEGIC FIELDS: - Agriculture/ Food Industry - Metal Industry - Energy - Information and Communication TAGUSVALLEY STRUCTURES: - INOV.POINT (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center. Incubation and Co-Work); - INOV'LINEA (Food Technology Transfer Center); - Accelerators and lots for Corporate Activity Support; OTHER STRUCTURES & ORGANIZATIONS AT THE PARK: - OTIC.IPT (Technology and Knowledge Transfer Interface); - LINE.IPT (Industrial and Corporative Innovation Laboratory); - MédioTejo21 (Regional Agency Energy and Environment); - TAGUS (Regional Development Association); - A.LOGOS (Association for the Development of Consultancy and Technical Essays); - IEFP (Employment and Professional Training Institute Pole); - NERSANT (Corporate Association for the Region of Santarém Pole). FUTURE STRUCTURES AT THE PARK: - Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Abrantes; - Applied Investigation Laboratories. TAGUSVALLEY PROJECTS: - ENCAIXA-TE (Entrepreneur Assistence Office); - <T_CODE> (Digital literacy at school); - GIP TAGUSVALLEY (Professional Insertion Office).