
World Politics Review

International Affairs

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World Politics Review


OUR MISSION World Politics Review publishes in-depth news and expert analysis on global affairs to help our readers identify and make sense of the events and trends shaping our world. Guided by a commitment to integrity, quality and intellectual honesty, we serve as a forum for creative ideas about how to tackle the world’s most important challenges. OUR APPROACH WPR seeks to strike a balance between the two dominant schools of international relations, realism and liberal internationalism, combining an effort to see the world as it is with a preference for diplomacy and multilateralism in support of a rules- and norms-based global order. We pay particular attention to important but undercovered stories as well as underexamined aspects of the news making headlines, and cover often-ignored corners of the world independently of whether and how they affect U.S. interests. OUR INDEPENDENCE WPR is funded exclusively by its readers—foreign policy professionals, academics and general readers with an interest in international affairs—through individual and institutional subscription fees. We sell no advertising, and receive no funding from any outside investors, interest groups or foundations. We are likewise unbeholden to any partisan affiliation or party allegiance.