
Travel Prime | The #web3 Travel Revolution

Consumer Services


🇬🇧 Travel Prime is the first travel subscription platform. Each user saves as they wish and according to their budget by securing the funds via a ring-fencing account and #blockchain technology. Thanks to their subscription, they benefit from the lowest guaranteed discounts. This guarantee is made possible by the automatic application in face value of the commissions granted by the tour operators directly on the offers, or, (when this is not technically possible) by the sharing and redistribution to all subscribers of each commission received. This project in SaaS mode is intended to be as close as possible to the #web3 spirit while in accordance with the legislation in force. Each subscriber is an integral part of the project and will participate, through a voting system, in the expansion of Travel Prime and in the strategic decisions of the Start-up. The interoperable system is also positioned as a new payment system via user savings. It allows the dynamic display in superimposition of the remainder payable on partner offers. Travel Prime was announced for the first time at the big #MysterFly party at the #pavillonDauphine during the #iftm2022 event and the first press interview was signed #eventiz During this start, the first 5000 new ambassadors, by simply registering on a waiting list will have the privilege of accessing a pre-sale subscription to obtain several advantages, as the first promoters of the project, in particular: free lifetime subscription and a special status. The pre-sale will take place according to the codes of #web3, namely through the sale of an NFT collection. The date is not yet announced. Hurry, places are limited!