
The Stories People

Online Audio and Video Media

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The Stories People


Big brands spend big bucks and advertise to score in the market. Smart brands build a strong emotion around their products, and, cash on that emotion! If you own a strong brand that creates value in your consumers lives, come right in! At,, we believe that for a brand to be really successful, the consumer has to talk for you, not your advertising. At TSP we work with you very closely to identify, curate, and, bring to life the stories that remain under the surface for want to effort. These are the real conversations that need to be brought out and shared with the world. That is when your brand gets talked about, generates chatter and gets the credibility that no money can buy. Once we've identified the stories, the voices, we create communities that add to your brand's success. Be it videos, blogs, magazines, newspapers, television... we work across platforms, across languages, across mediums... with one, and one view only: to get your brand to be in the centre of it all! In a nutshell, you sell the product, we sell your story!