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How Do People Learn To Do Their Jobs? Research shows that most individuals learn their jobs in the actual workplace, not in corporate classrooms or other off-the-job settings. But much of this learning is informal or unstructured, which often results in unpredictable training outcomes. Therefore, an increasing number of organizations have begun to use structured on-the-job training (S-OJT™), since it combines the consistency and reliability of formal classroom training programs and the relevance of learning in the actual work setting. S-OJT is defined as “the planned process of developing competence on units of work by having an experienced employee train a novice employee at the work setting or a location that closely resembles the work setting." The word “situate” means “to fix or build something in a certain place or position.” Similarly, SiTUATE emphasizes that training should occur in the most appropriate location, not in a classroom, but in the context of the workplace — either in-person or remote. SiTUATE is the Next Generation of Structured On-the-Job Training SiTUATE is the only integrated training system that combines the proven effectiveness of structured on-the-job training (S-OJT) with the flexibility of cloud-based technology. Every job requires different training. A nurse has different needs than bank teller. An engineer at one company requires different training than an engineer at another company. The SiTUATE system guides you end-to-end, from analyzing the jobs and tasks, to developing the training guides, managing the training process, and evaluating trainees.