
Navarrabiomed, biomedical research centre

Research Services


Navarrabiomed, the research centre of the Government of Navarra and the Public University of Navarra. Navarrabiomed is a biomedical research centre of the Government of Navarra, created in 2012. The mission of Navarrabiomed is to promote, facilitate and perform leading edge biomedical research in order to develop innovative therapies and treatments that will contribute to citizen´s better quality of life. Since 2016, Navarrabiomed includes the participation of the Public University of Navarra. Through this agreement, both institutions join their efforts to improve the research of our health care system. At present, Navarrabiomed is organised in 20 interdisciplinary research units and 4 technological platforms, involving more than 120 scientists. In addition to this, Navarrabiomed facilitates the research activity undertaken by over 250 health professionals from other centres of the public sector.