
IASIO (Irish Association for Social Inclusion Opportunities)

Non-profit Organizations


In partnership with a number of State agencies, we provide a wide range of social inclusion supports to marginalised groups, including access to employment, training, education, social welfare and housing. Our services are informed by years of working with some of the hardest-to-reach people, both in the community & in prison. Our Employment Services: 1. Linkage and Gate Services We work with people in custody and under Probation Service supervision to develop with the person an alternative non-offending life course through a desistance focused guidance intervention and subsequent placement in training/education and/or employment. 2. Supported Employment Service We work with people who have experienced severe and enduring mental health difficulties who are interested in accessing mainstream competitive jobs on either a part-time or full-time basis as part of their mental health recovery process 3. Recruit & Retain Service Our Employer Liaison provides tailored support to social enterprises in the hiring, training, and continuous employment of suitably qualified people who have criminal convictions Resettlement Supports The Resettlement Service is a one-to-one intervention whereby the Resettlement Coordinator co-develops an effective resettlement plan with the prisoner that addresses their needs as they leave prison.