
[re] imagine your Intercultural Communication in Business | Ftime Asia Business Development

International Trade and Development
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    Arantxa Vadillo (斓洽) Competencia y Comunicación Intercultural | Internacionalización | China | Desarrolla Competencia Intercultural para mejorar tu comunicación y ser más eficiente en tus negociaciones con otras culturas.
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According to The Economist, 64% of business leaders claim that linguistic and CULTURAL differences limit their international expansion plans. The ways in which we COMMUNICATE vary from one country to another and have a direct impact on how we understand each other and how we carry out our work. ▬ When working with clients, suppliers, or partners from other countries or being part of international teams, barriers can arise that limit effective COMMUNICATION. ➠ If the success of a meeting depends on your ability to work well with people from other cultures [aside from other business reasons], you will need to: ・RECOGNIZE cultural differences and ・RESPECT the uniqueness of the person you are working with Both go hand in hand. Beyond language or being respectful. It's about knowing how to CONNECT on an emotional level and BUILD trust with people educated in values different from ours. ➠ Our SERVICE ➤ INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Training programs as a relevant part of your Business strategies. Developing and training your CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE. It involves knowing how, when, and what to modify when interacting with people from other cultures in Ч key phases: ➊ Motivation - YOUR adaptability. ➋ Knowledge - HOW culture shapes our thinking and actions. ➌ STRATEGIES - Reflect, [re] focus, and plan. ➍ ACTION - [re] program your BEHAVIOR according to the cultural context | Communication. In-company training | Online. ➠ WHY invest in Cultural Intelligence? Understanding how cultural DIVERSITY influences our work and knowing the communication styles and decision-making preferences in other countries helps you: ① Better manage your messages and presentations to clients, partners, etc. ② Negotiate more effectively and create OPPORTUNITIES. ③ Develop strategies more tailored to the markets. More >>