
BIDTI - Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute

Higher Education


The Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute (BIDTI) was established in 1994 under the guidance of the then Prime Minister, the Late Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike for the object of offering advanced training courses in Diplomacy & International relations in accordance with the aims of the Bandaranaike Memorial Foundation to promote international peace, understanding and cooperation through such studies, discussions and dissemination of knowledge. The task of founding the BIDTI was rested on shoulders of the late Deshamanya Dr. Vernon L. B. Mendis, who was not only its first Director General but also the first entrant to the Sri Lanka Foreign Service in 1949. His mission had been facilitated by the patronage of Her Excellency Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge, who became President of Sri Lanka in late 1994. Dedication and hard work of Dr. Vernon Mendis paved way to launch training programmes in early 1995 not only as the training institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also conducting General Courses for public. The training programmes are highly focused on providing professional skills and encouraging discussion on global economic and political issues. Other than regular courses, the BIDTI conduct special programmes for junior diplomats invited from developing countries under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Today, training courses conducted at the BIDTI have been sought after by people of all walks of life. Those who have successfully followed the one year course of the Diploma in Diplomacy & World Affairs could join the Post Graduate Diploma course conduct under the supervision of the Department of International Relations of the University of Colombo by continuing further six months and submitting a research paper on a selected topic. The BIDTI has a panel of eminent resource persons comprising of academics, professionals, Ambassadors (present and retired) of Sri Lanka as well as of other countries, visiting scholars and professionals from the public and private sector. Special guest lectures by Ambassadors & High Commissioners accredited to Sri Lanka have become a regular feature at the BIDTI, as it gives a good opportunity to disseminate information on foreign policy of their countries and other attributes. Since 2006, the BIDTI has been vested by Parliamentary Act No. 32 of 2006 under the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKIIRSS).

  • BMICH Bus Stop

    BMICH Bus Stop, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Thimbirigasyaya, Colombo, Colombo District, Western Province, 00700, Sri Lanka

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  • Sri Lanka Sumithrayo

    Sri Lanka Sumithrayo, 60/7, Horton Place, TownHall, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo, Colombo District, Western Province, 00700, Sri Lanka

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