
ATIB - Assaray Trade & Investment Bank



ATIB is always looking to provide high quality services to its customers and partners, with modern and fast methods among the best international banking practices and financial services. As one of the most important steps, ATIB goes through the implementation of a strategy based on the identity of the company that supports the continuous growth with a vision for a renewed commitment to its customers and a promise for a bright and promising future. ATIB’s identity inspired by the faith in the need for cooperation and teamwork within the bank`s family, which is reflected in the bank logo as a coherent whole and cohesion based on a strong partnerships efforts for competence and prosperity. Inspired by the history of Libya, the Red fort overlooking the sea, we reflect our identity and our culture, and we also aspire to introduce Libya worldwide. Our customers and partners as well as the employees of the bank, be sure that you feel what we are. Together we represent the promising future for generations to come, and our success is yours. By working together for a bright future and for making ATIB your a real partner for growth.