
Altrua HealthShare

Wellness and Fitness Services

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Altrua HealthShare


Altrua Ministries, dba Altrua HealthShare, is a 501c3 recognized Health Care Sharing Ministry (HCSM) under The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. That means that members of Altrua HealthShare are exempt from the shared responsibility payment (penalty) mandated by The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Altrua HealthShare is a nationwide faith-based membership of dynamic individuals and families who share in each other’s medical needs by heeding scripture calling on believers to bear the burdens of others. Galatians 6:2(NIV) “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Each month, members of Altrua HealthShare voluntarily send their monthly contributions to be placed into an escrow account from which members’ eligible medical needs are shared according to the membership guidelines and escrow instructions. All medical needs are processed according to the official membership guidelines. No eligible medical need has gone unshared by the membership since Altrua HealthShare began. Altrua HealthShare members understand that Altrua HealthShare is NOT an insurance company and each member remains self-pay and receives the benefit of fellow members sharing in each other’s medical needs according to the membership guidelines. Rather, Altrua HealthShare members are a group of many families across the United States who shares each other’s burdens in the area of medical cost sharing according to Galatians 6:2. Membership is limited to those people who share a clean, healthy lifestyle according to their individual convictions. Members of Altrua HealthShare do not share in one another’s unhealthy habits. You are researching Altrua HealthShare because you need medical coverage or you are frustrated with your current premiums, the Marketplace Insurance structure or chose not to participate in the Affordable Care Act better known as Obama Care. Your best answer to finding medical coverage may not be health insurance at all.