
zuplanen- architecture and services

Architecture and Planning
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Zuplanen intends to add a vast experience acquired over several years by all those who work with us. We share experiences from diferent parts of the world, that are reflected in our vision of Architecture and life. We understand Architecture as a way of serving our clients, with whom we develop a work together. - The architects are responsible for the appreciation of studies, projects and architectural plans, as well as the other acts provided in special legislation. - In addition to the acts reserved for architects provided in the preceding paragraph, architects may intervene in studies, projects, plans and activities of consulting, supervision and management of works, planning, coordination and evaluation, urbanism, and design. -we have developed all kind of Architecture projects, from single family houses, residential buildings, commercial and industrial buildings, turist accommodation, urban and interior design, projecting new spaces or recoveries. Consulting: -The changes in the real estate markets require a correct valuation when deciding on an investment. We verified in the field and in the current conditions of the market, that many properties with potential, present themselves without any analysis of their future potentialities. The market is flooded with properties for sale, whose potential has not been properly assessed, or because the owner did not want to invest in a viability study, or because of a lack of knowledge. Based on a deep analysis work, we can determine with greater rigor, the best way to value a property, making it more attractive for commercialization. The work we develop is intended for owners or real estate/vendors, who in their commercial approach intend to enhance existing properties in the portfolio. -We develop studies and projects for free, for all those who can not afford our services.