
Znanost na cesti / Science on the Street

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“Science on the Street” (Slo: Znanost na cesti, ZnC) is a project devoted to the promotion of science, launched as a voluntary activity by @Saša Novak and @Kristina Žagar, two scientists from the Jožef Stefan Institute in Spring 2013. Since then, popular lectures on science take place in the evenings at public places – galleries, cafes, city squares and alike. The project has been initiated as a response to the persistent reduction in the budget for science, with the aim to improve public awareness about the achievements and challenges related to science in Slovenia. It started as a “no-budget” project under the umbrella of the Slovenian Academic Society for Science and Engineering (SATENA). In 2017, the Science on the Street, Institute for the promotion of science, has been established as a non-profit institution in the public interest. The “Science on the Street” team have organized short scientific lectures given by invited scientists, who, in discussion with invited journalists, present interesting achievements and research across a wide range of scientific areas that are important for improving the economy and well-being. The lectures (in the form of a conversation) are followed by a discussion with the public. The events are recorded and later published at service, YouTube as well as an audio podcast (mostly in Slovene). Among the most popular events organized by the Science on the Street team is science slam. The brilliant performance of highly creative researchers seasoned by the performance of the moderators, make a special atmosphere in which everyone feels good with science.