
Yayasan Panorama Alam Lestari

Non-profit Organizations

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Yayasan Panorama Alam Lestari


The Panorama Alam Lestari Foundation - Y.PAL was established on November 22, 1999. Initially the founders were the managers of LBH "Gema Keadilan" in 1990, the LBH "Payulemba" Foundation in 1995 and the LBH "Cita Hukum" in 1997 in Poso Regency. During the tragedy of the humanitarian conflict that occurred in Poso in December 1998, several activists who were also founding elements of Y.PAL became part of the investigative work team, working together with WALHI Central Sulawesi to Investigate the Poso Case with the Community Empowerment Recovery Foundation (YPKM) - Sulawesi Region Center to distribute Humanitarian Aid for Poso conflict victims. After the Poso conflict, some of the activists who initially moved this organization formed the Y.PAL organization which later became a member of the Central Sulawesi WALHI network. Y.PAL focuses on Environmental Issues, Community Empowerment/Community Development and Disaster Risk Management. Partners, Networks and Cooperation Programs • WALHI Central Sulawesi • LPMS KSDA Buol • ROA(Relawan untuk Orang & Alam) • YMP (Yayasan Merah Putih) Central Sulawesi • Solidaritas Perempuan (Women's Solidarity) • Sikola Mombine Foundation • KPPA • Local Government of Poso Regency (PEMDA Poso) • Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) • GLA Program - NTFP Indonesia • CEPF Program - Burung Indonesia • Participatory Mapping Network - Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan Partisipatif (JKPP) • Recovery Program PASIGALA - IDEP Foundation • NTFP Asia Exchange Programme • ICCAs(Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Protected Areas and Territories) • IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature's) National Committee of The Netherlands • Forest Program III Sulawesi Program • Child Protection Program with Sustainable Cocoa - CLMRS | Save The Children Indonesia • ToGETHER(Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timelines in Humanitarian Emergency Response) Program - Caritas Germany "Together Managing a Good Environment"