
Y-LOT Foundation

Non-profit Organization Management

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Y-LOT Foundation


Y-LOT (Y-LOT Foundation Limited) stands for "Youths. Love. Opportunities. Technology.". We are registered as a charitable organization under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong (IR# 91/14991). We run SciTech Future Fund to support scientific research, promoting SciTech (Science and Technology) education and advocating policy to create the right ecosystem for entrepreneurial scientists. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology established the "Fei Chi En Education and Research Fund" and the "Y-LoT Foundation Scholarship" to promote scientific research and education in the future. Any aspiration to support the future of Hong Kong's innovation, technology and science? If you are interested in working in a challenging and creative start-up environment, we welcome people with passion and energy to join us! Y-LOT代表 "Youths Love Opportunities and Technology",為政府認可註冊慈善團體(IR# 91/14991)。 Y-LOT專注於年青人教育及科研創科發展。透過與香港各大學及與社會各界合作,為年青人打造創科平台,對香港科研項目進行支持。 Y-LOT創辦人兼主席費志恩先生,於2020年12月,個人向香港科技大學捐款2000萬港幣,以支持大學的科研及創科發展,為香港培養科創人才。香港科技大學成立了『費志恩教育及科研基金』,亦以基金會名義成立了“Y-LoT Foundation Scholarship”,對優異的大學生進行獎勵。香港科技大學特命名學校的科創基地為『費志恩夢想啟航基地』。 Y-LOT的未來發展方向希望將『科研』及『創科』概念普及化,冀可以支持這兩方面的持續發展,讓廣泛的市民參與其中。只要每人都多一份關注,出多一份力,已可為人類的發展作出貢獻。 如有興趣支持香港創科、科學未來發展,而又有興趣在一個具挑戰和創意的初創環境工作,歡迎有志之士加入我們的團隊!