
Xtreme Roads

Leisure, Travel & Tourism
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Entrepreuner ship is an Addiction, A never ending thirst to Create something which Can Help large section of population, if not all and it can only be done with a positive intent, wherein money making is secondary, a need for sure but not the sole Purpose... We, The magical Troika of Vaishali,Divyabh & Aditi feels strongly about it, we have always tried to connect,facilitate & empower people in all our endeavours! Those who know us will ascertain that with us nothing happens accidentally,every bit has to pass through rigorous brain storming sessions followed with heated arguments in/against the subject. It must filter through hard facts and substantive reasonings! When we started our journey in Bihar in early 2007 we were like passionate warriors who sees nothing else but the Goal to bring back Certain glory to state which was Long Due...! After the successful effort both as an Tourism Experts and as a Founders of we needed More, All Said & done what's next for us was the Question...and this is where our Travel Boots hit high & mighty...! After completing more than 85000 km within Bihar and in our recent Travel escapades of around 20000km outside it,was no less an indication for us to delve in a field which we are so passionate about and which we have been doing since the day it All Xtreme Roads!!! "Xtreme Roads" is A quest, an attempt to help Travelers of all kind...!A medium to facilitate,guide & provide authentic information about places which we have explored...from a perspective which may help people organise their trips well and which may aid in reducing the leaks & wastage! But this is not All...there are many who for variety of reasons can't travel much,Our Promise Is to show you the World never seen before and it will be as Real as the place is...! Friends do help us so we can Help You More...