
The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers

Retail Art Supplies


The Basketmakers Company are one of the many ancient Livery Companies which are the descendants of the City Guilds of the middle ages. These started when people following the same trade or craft, such as butchers, basketmakers and so on, began to live in the same neighbourhood and work together for mutual good and protection. Gradually the Guilds evolved into combinations of trades unions, monopolies, training colleges, trading standards officers and friendly societies. The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers was constituted by the Court of Aldermen in 1569, granted a livery of thirty in 1825 (in more recent years extended to five hundred) and received its Royal Charter from George VI in 1937. The senior officer of the Company is known as the Prime Warden. The Company was formed to regulate and control the basketmaking trade in the City of London and by an order of Common Council in 1463 trade was concentrated in the manor of Blanche Appleton, in the area of the present Guild Church of St. Margaret Pattens. The objectives of the Company today are to: 1) promote fellowship among our members 2) support the craft of basketmaking 3) support the Lord Mayor and the City of London & preserve its heritage 4) promote charitable works