
Wood Products Manufacturers Association

Information Services


The Wood Products Manufacturers Association's mission is to provide our members with the tools to help their business succeed. We provide our members with the finest information resources and services available. We take a personal interest in your business and want to be an important part of your success story. The Association acts as a clearing house for solving problems of mutual concern and assists members in controlling costs. We promote healthy, profitable business environments and educational opportunities that assist members in developing skills for more competitive business operations. The Board of Directors is extremely proud of our well run business insurance safety group program in partnership with Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co. (ILM) that has provided members with a cash back dividend for the third consecutive year. The associations discounted FSC (CoC) program has enabled many members to take advantage of the benefits of FSC certification at a greatly reduced rate and with assistance from the association’s knowledgeable staff. Two new programs implemented include the ability to have credit checks performed on new or existing customers and access to an independent company to assist companies in pre-emptive OSHA and EPA situations. The staff and board of the WPMA are constantly working on developing programs and services that help companies improve their bottom line and compete in a global economy.