user - We help you launch your career

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Weapply4u is the world’s leading job application service that provides a unique concept to marketing job seekers to employers by applying "DIRECTLY" to the companies within their industry of experience and/or education. We customize your cover letter and resume and send it to 1000+ companies from your own email address within 4-5 days. Weapply4u was designed to bridge the gap between candidates looking to connect with companies that are looking for candidates with their talent. The key to effective job search is to tap in the "HIDDEN JOB MARKET". Each geographic region has 1000's of companies that are leaders in their field. The unfortunate thing is that candidates do not know how to get noticed at those companies. 1000's of companies are looking for candidates but the candidates do not apply to them. That is what we do. We offer our user’s access to one of the world's largest Sector Based Database. Our approach allows us to apply directly to hiring managers for various mid-sized to large organizations on behalf of you. We succeed because we have access to that "Hidden" job market and apply to the right companies that suit your career path. We want to market and present your skills and education in strategic way to potential employers.