
Viñedos y Bodegas Campos de Solana

Wine & Spirits


Campos de Solana, the leader in Bolivian wine, is driven by the concept of using the unique aspects of the elevation of the Tarija Valley to create world-class products. Through the leadership of the Granier family, with a long-standing trajectory in viticulture that dates to 1925, Campos de Solana emerged as the Bolivian wine producers par excellence. The grand quality of Campos de Solana wines, and their position as industry leaders, is a result of the location of their vines, their highly qualified personnel, and their constant drive to innovate. Campos de Solana cultivates its vines in the highest wine-producing region of the world. Located at more than 6,397 feet above sea level, the vines in the Tarija Valley receive more sun than the traditional grape-growing regions. This change manifests in a product with richer taste and aroma. To this incomparable natural resource, Campos added a team of dedicated workers, international consulting professionals, and the latest French technology, making Campos one of the most modern wineries in South America. The value of these attributes is exposed in the quality for which Campos de Solana wines earned international acclaim; from being heralded for producing one of the best 20 wines in Latin America, to numerous awards and medals in prestigious international contests like the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles.