
Unicorn Buyers Agents

Real Estate
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The average Australian will buy one or two properties in their lifetime. When they do they will contend with an army of real estate professionals highly skilled in extracting the highest possible price on behalf of the seller. The property industry has forever been overweight professionals representing sellers whilst buyers have been left with insufficient expert guidance. Building on a career as a small business owner and property investor it made sense for business founder Dan Sofo, to create a service to look after the best interests of property buyers, and so Unicorn Buyer's Agents was born. The best service offerings are highly focused and Unicorn is no different in that regard. Where we do differ is in our unconventional methods of outreach and search to reveal those hidden gems others just can't see. Most buyer's advocates come from a (real estate) sales background. Dan Sofo's small service business background drives a 'do what it takes' culture to to get the most desirable property in front of clients. Our local market data and information comes direct from the source- selling agents, auctioneers, valuers, local councils, chambers of commerce. We don't rely on prevailing commentary or media spin. We stick to the facts and that ultimately supports a negotiation of price and terms that all parties are happy with. Founder and principal Dan Sofo is a residential property buyer’s agent working one of the planet’s competitive markets- a golden stretch of real estate hugging the Sydney (Australia) coastline from Paddington to Bondi Beach and surrounds. Tough markets breed tough negotiators, and an unconventional approach to uncover those hidden gem properties few others can find. His results to save clients money time and stress, speak for themselves.