
Udruga Pragma

Civic and Social Organizations

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Udruga Pragma


Pragma je udruga osnovana 2. lipnja 2006. godine u Zagrebu. Ciljevi rada Udruge su promicanje, unaprjeđivanje i razvoj demokratske političke kulture, zaštita ljudskih prava, međunarodna razvojna suradnja u području obrazovanja i smanjenja siromaštva, odgoj i obrazovanje te izdavanje znanstvenih i stručnih publikacija, socijalna djelatnost kroz socijalnu pomoć i podršku i pružanje socijalnih usluga te zaštita mentalnog zdravlja i prevencija ovisnosti. Pragma provodi projekte i programe koji su od interesa za opće dobro u Republici Hrvatskoj. PRAGMA was founded July 2, 2006 in Zagreb. It was established with a desire to promote, develop and improve all aspects of social and health protection of at risk groups. In order to achieve goals set in Article 8 of its Statute, PRAGMA will use community organising and mobilising methods, conduct research, education, evaluation and advocacy. Pragma’s mission is to promote, develop and improve all aspects of social and health protection of socially disadvantaged and ill persons; initiate cooperation with organisations to make them more available to citizens and to better suit their needs; to facilitate interactions of individuals within their environment; to improve the quality of life of citizens in general through empowerment, education, counselling, research and advocacy. Pragma’s vision is a society where individuals, families and communities have capacities needed for recognising, facing and solving problems, and where state, local and non-profit organisations act together to meet the needs of the citizens. Pragma is committed to goals of general interest and of humanitarian character, and based on gender equality. In its work, Pragma follows basic human rights and dignity.