
TrustVehicle Project

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TrustVehicle is a EU Horizon 2020 funded project to Improve Trustworthiness and Weather-Independence of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Scenarios. The introduction of automated vehicles to the market raises various questions and problems. One of those is the trustworthiness of the automated systems and in this connection the user’s perception and acceptance. The user’s perception is especially important during SAE level 3 automated driving, where the driver must be able to resume vehicle control, and during the initial deployment of automated systems, where mixed traffic situations occur, in which automated and human-driven vehicles share the same road space. The H2020 project TrustVehicle aims at investigating critical scenarios, especially in mixed traffic situations and under harsh weather conditions, and at improving the trustworthiness. For a user-centric approach, the driver’s impressions and feelings are crucial for L3AD driving since he/she should be able to resume vehicle control if needed. Therefore, they are strongly considered in the whole development process of the different components that constitute the automated system. Questionnaires and tests on the driver simulator are some of the measures taken within TrustVehicle to assure the involvement of the user in the development process.

  • Halle für Kunst Steiermark

    Halle für Kunst Steiermark, 2, Burgring, Innere Stadt, Graz, Styria, 8010, Austria

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