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Many people believe that social media advertising killed email marketing but this could not be further from the truth. In fact, a study from McKinsey & Company revealed that email marketing is up to 40x more effective than social media, and the buying process happens 3x faster. According to one report from DBS Data, you can expect an average return of $38 for every $1 you spend on email marketing — not bad! With that said, here are 3 more reasons you should consider doubling down on email marketing. 1) It allows you to take control Building a social media following is great but let’s be honest, your efforts are at the mercy of social media companies. One day you have built up an audience of 200,000 likes on Facebook and the next your organic post reach is like.. 10 people.. wtf??? As audiences bounce from Facebook to Instagram to TikTok it can feel like you are starting from zero every couple of years. And the last thing you want to do is pay out huge sums of money to rebuild. With email on the other hand, treat your email subscribers with respect and enjoy a long term, mutually beneficial relationship. This brings me to my next point... 2) Email Longevity Email benefits from The Lindy effect. What's that I hear you ask? Well, the Lindy effect says that the future life expectancy of technology is proportional to its current age. This means that because the email was invented in 1971 it's predicted to be around for at least another 51 years, longer than most of us.. scary! 3) Everyone uses email Yes, everyone.. young and old alike. Act now With all that said, it might be time to double down on email marketing?