
Top Tutors for Us


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Top Tutors for Us


By Black tutors for Black students, Top Tutor for Us designs educational programs and curriculums for predominately Black public schools. These curricula work hand-in-hand with the company’s supplementary private tutoring services to provide the younger generation equal opportunity to succeed in the college admission process. The founder Angelica Harris recently received her Masters in Computer Science, which was her third degree from Washington University. Prior to college, she was offered over $1.5 million in college scholarships and received admittance to top universities. However, before all of this she had to take the ACT. Her initial score was a 16 and she worked on her own to raise it to a 32. Since then, she has spent 7 years helping other students do the same. While in undergrad she noticed the low percentage of Black students at top universities and decided to create a business dedicated to helping Black students become competitive applicants.