Think Pink Logo

Think Pink

Locations: Allée de la Recherche 12 Brussels, Brussel 1070, BE

Company Size: 1 - 100

Industry: Civic and Social Organizations

Company Website

AI Description

  • Febe Vandamme profile image

    Lotgenotenwerking bij vzw Think Pink

  • Ophélie Mouton profile image

    Communicatieverantwoordelijke bij Think Pink

  • Sabine Devolder profile image

    Accountancy at Think Pink Belgie

  • Heidi Vansevenant profile image

    Managing director, president/founder of Think Pink

  • Serge Vandriessche profile image

    Consultancy - Interim Mgmt - Strategy - Business Devt - Co-founder/board member of Think Pink - President BC GUCO Lier

  • Tiffany Bulteau profile image

    Porte-parole et Event Manager chez Think Pink

  • Serge Vandriessche profile image

    Consultancy - Interim Mgmt - Strategy - Business Devt - Co-founder/board member of Think Pink - President BC GUCO Lier

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