
Thinking Feeling Being

Wellness and Fitness Services
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ABOUT Thinking Feeling Being is about philosophy, psychology, coaching and practical solutions for everyday life, work, home and purpose. After 30 years as a high-performance athlete and Project and Change Manager I became a qualified Coach, Mediator & Mentor to help people and organisations achieve their goals. However the website goes beyond this and explores the change at a deeper level with reading, research and reflections from Carl Rogers, Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gabor Mate, Jordan Peterson and many more. I examine structures and models of change from mythology, philosophy, neuro-biology and every-day business and organisational change. WHAT WE DO Coaching Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future. The focus is on the individual and their ideas and opportunities, to define their goals, set their path, and achieve their success. Coaching is about listening, reflecting, asking questions and unlocking YOUR potential. Mentoring Mentoring is development driven, looking not just at the current job function but beyond, taking a more holistic approach to career development. Mentoring is non-evaluative, while coaching is based on measuring performance change. Due to the personal nature of mentoring, a mentor will more often than not draw on their personal experiences and expertise to help their mentee. This could be in the form of sharing a story that taught them a valuable lesson, or a challenge they overcame in their career. Mediation Mediation promotes listening and understanding. It encourages a mutual solution focus, and therefore repairs and rebuilds collaboration, communication and trust and will deliver better outcomes. Business Mediation is an effective method for conflict resolution. It is successful between around 80% of the time. Parties discuss their disputes facilitated by an impartial third person(s) who supports them reaching agreement.