
The Teutonian

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Inspired by the Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus and his epic work, “Germania” written in 98AD though with a contemporary thematic, “The Teutonian” was established as an English language alternative media news and information service, providing first-person perspective and commentary on daily events and the resultant impact on today’s Germany. In the first instance “TT”s target readership is the +44 million German-Americans in the United States, i.e., those persons with a particular interest in the country based on a historical connection either in terms of direct heritage or other affiliation. Secondly, anyone anywhere in the English speaking world who is interested in a non-MSM, alternative news site with a focus on Germany. TT’s editorial staff is comprised mainly of US ex-pats who have been living in Europe for many years, experts in German- European history, fluent in multiple languages and are former international business professionals. Concise, critical, uncompromising and balanced in the analysis of evidence and events, in terms of reporting TT is unbiased and “agenda-less”. Our positioning is very much based on (among other principles) the 18th century German enlightenment era philosopher Emmanuel Kant’s’, “categorical imperative” (kategorische Imperativ) in that, “every rational being must so act as if he were by his maxims in every case a legislating member in the universal kingdom of ends” – this statement of wisdom applies not only to individuals, but to states, governments and institutions as well. The Teutonian therefore takes well to heart the incumbent responsibility of “the fourth estate” to tell it like it is for the sake of humanity, its recorded history, and ultimately the betterment of our world. If you have an interest in what’s happening in today’s Germany and prefer content written from a unique first-person, in-country perspective, then subscribe to The Teutonian.