
The Black Swimming Association (BSA)

Spectator Sports


The Black Swimming Association (BSA) is a non-profit organisation set up with a mission to diversify the world of aquatics. Our mission can be broken down into four parts SEAR - Support, Education, Advocacy and Research. SUPPORT - Making swimming more accessible. The BSA does this by supporting swim charities, swim teachers and grassroots swimming clubs. Through this support, we can significantly increase the number of people from African, Caribbean, and Asian heritage who have access to water, while also removing barriers to participation. EDUCATION - Increasing awareness of water safety and the health benefits of aquatics. The BSA works with partners across the aquatic sector to increase awareness of water safety and the health benefits of aquatics. Through these partnerships, the BSA consistently tackles the inherent systemic inequalities present in our sector. Through education, we can raise awareness of water safety, drowning prevention measures, and the importance of learning how to swim. ADVOCACY - Understanding and addressing barriers At the BSA, we are dedicated to understanding and addressing barriers that limit communities of African, Caribbean, and Asian heritage from engaging in aquatics and water safety. We work in partnership with institutions so that we can comprehensively tackle issues of diversity, inclusion, participation, engagement and representation in aquatics. RESEARCH - Unpacking the various issues that restrict The BSA is committed to fully unpacking the various issues that restrict African, Caribbean, and Asian communities from accessing aquatics. As a result, the BSA is currently producing targeted, accurate, and independent research on the topic. Only by fully understanding all the problems our communities face in aquatics, can we work to dismantle them, and create a more inclusive arena.