
The Woman Emancipation Dream Trust

Non-profit Organizations


Our organization is primarily driven by four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - SDG 4 (Education), SDG 5 (Empowerment of Women and Girls), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). Our mission is to have a significant impact on and contribute to these SDGs in the most effective way possible. We aim to equip women with adequate information and resources related to empowerment in all areas, including entrepreneurship and women's rights. Through our trainings, networking events, and seminars, we hope to achieve this goal. We also have a project called "Fundakids" that focuses on providing education to children. This project was initiated in 2022. We prioritize mental health as it affects all aspects of our organization's functions. We continue to emphasize its importance and raise awareness about it.