
The Center of Petroleum Geochemistry at University of Houston

Oil and Gas


The mission of Center for Petroleum Geochemistry is three-fold: 1) Carry out essential applied research in petroleum geochemistry and petroleum system analysis using the array of state-of-the-art analytical and experimental capabilities of the center. 2) Provide expert professional support to the oil and gas industry worldwide. 3) Prepare students for professional careers in the petroleum industry and stimulate basic research in petroleum/organic geochemistry with geoscientists from academic and industry institutes through collaborative projects such as: internships, workshops and short courses. Initial outfitting of the laboratories was made possible by donations of instrumentation and equipment from Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, Texaco and EX Technology and by matching funds from the office of grants and contracts at UH. The Program's program is directed by Dr. K. K. Bissada, a 35-year veteran of the oil industry, and staffed by three highly experienced geochemists supporting research projects of four Ph.D. and MS candidates and collaborative studies with industry geoscientists. The addition of this unit to the Department of Geosciences enhances the Department's capabilities to conduct applied research and provide professional support to the oil and gas industry worldwide. The program provides research opportunities to both full-time and part-time students and allows them to develop multidisciplinary skills needed for a successful career in the hydrocarbon exploration and production industry.