
Crystal Kingdom Social Enterprise CIC

Civic and Social Organizations


Our mission is to help people to believe that they are amazing just as they are; to have the confidence to do what they love in life and in so doing, reduce to zero the number of people, especially young people, from self-harming and suicide. We want to help people to have hope and to believe in themselves through a process of self-realisation. It is one thing for someone to tell you that you are amazing but it is another thing to actually know this of yourself. In a world full of challenges we sometimes lose sight of the magic that is all around us, especially if we are dealing with the loss of something or someone that we love, or are faced with challenging personal or world conditions. We can become scared or angry and sometimes even lose hope. My own experience of feeling overcome with sadness and loss, after my brother took his own life at the age of 25, led me to suddenly realise that even in my darkest time, life can still be magical. That I too can still be magical and believe in myself. This was in no small part due to my beautiful children Rose and George, who have been a source of constant inspiration, laughter and love in my life. This combination inspired me to create The Crystal Kingdom Social Enterprise. This project and its various initiatives not only brings a smile to many faces, adults and children alike, it also helps them develop the skills to cope with life’s pressures and to help them believe how amazing they are. The project’s workshops contain powerful messages of self-belief, community engagement and reminders to never give up hope and to always dream big.