
The Institute of Directors of Zambia

Executive Offices


The Institute of Directors is a nonprofit, nonpartisan leadership forum whose mission is to promote high standards of corporate governance in both the private and public sectors in Zambia, through education, training and participation in relevant fora. The IoDZ offers a range of services in areas of governance, finance, strategy and leadership aimed at ensuring that Boards, Directors and Leaders are the best they can be. Our products and services include; . Board Development . Board Evaluation . Governance Guidance and consultancy . Director Training . Information and Advisory Services . Student Mentorship . Short Courses . Seminars and Conferences The aim of the Institute of Directors of Zambia is to provide its members with comprehensive and valuable services through the development and maintenance of cohesive benefits that operates to high standards of professionalism in the country. Be part of a respected and influential body. Benefits of being a member include; . Receive discounts on our respected range of director level training . Receive discounts on our conferences and events . Access to specially negotiated products and services . An opportunity to have your say about issues that affect your business . An opportunity to represent IoDZ on the Board and Committees . An opportunity to contribute to national development . An opportunity to meet and network with a number of Directors and influential leaders . Access to consultancy opportunities.