

Civic and Social Organizations


BIHR’s is a UK-wide charity whose mission is support people and organisations to use human rights advocacy and approaches to achieve positive social change, all rooted in the practical use of our Human Rights Act. Our vision is of a strong and just society, in which all people can live well and flourish, safe in the knowledge that their human rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled in their local communities and nationally. Our model of supporting positive change through the use of the Human Rights Act includes working with people to ensure they know their human rights, enabling both them and the groups that support them to ensure human rights are upheld. We also work with public bodies, who have legal duties to uphold people's human rights; when these duties are not met, people's human rights may be risked or breached. At a national policy level we work to amplify the voices of the people we work with, ensuring the real stories of how our Human Rights Act is being used across the UK reach the people with the power to change laws and systems.