
The ADR Society, University of Lagos

Alternative Dispute Resolution


The Alternative Dispute Resolution Society (UNILAG) was established on the 20th of June 2013 with the primary aim of raising awareness on the system of Alternative Dispute Resolution and its practice in Nigeria and the World at large. The ADR Society is motivated by the strong desire to make Nigerians aware of a time-saving, cost-effective, confidential alternative for dispute resolution of disputes in Nigeria through mediation, arbitration proceedings and other ADR methods. The ADR Society is set up to house students of the Faculty of Law who are ADR enthusiasts who are ready, willing and able to aid the pursuit of the achievement of the society’s goals and objectives which are as follows: - Creating awareness amongst students on ADR as a supplement to litigation - Encouraging students to employ ADR in the resolution of their disputes. - Creating awareness on the roles of ADR practitioners and users. - Equipping students with the necessary skills to be better mediators and arbitrators. - Encouraging law firms to create ADR sections in their firms. - Organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, local and international competitions. - Creating publications that can be circulated around the university campus, which will, in turn, create an awareness of the concept.