
Swabhiman (State Disability Information And Resource Centre)

Non-profit Organizations


Founded in 2001, Swabhiman is a registered nonprofit, a cross-disability organization, advocating for and serving persons with disabilities in Odisha, India, and South Asia. It advocates for the human rights-based approach to disability implying that all persons with disabilities need to participate in all spheres of society on an equal basis with their non-disabled peers. Swabhiman believes “Every individual, however different he or she may be, has to be valued as a full member of society. This implies respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity, and that they must be considered as autonomous persons with the freedom to make their own choices.” Swabhiman has been in the forefront of several policy changes that have positively impacted the lives of persons with disabilities. It specifically focuses on supporting education, strengthening youth for availing employment opportunities, increasing public awareness on the issue of disability, working towards accessible cities, and conducting research for enabling advocacy. Swabhiman works at the international level with DPI (Disabled People’s International), at the national level with NDN (National Disability Network), with its network (Odisha State Disability Network) of district chapters to create a strong and impressive network of civil rights advocates promoting and protecting rights of persons with disabilities at all levels.