
Strategic Oil and Gas Services LLC (SOGS), is owned by Omani nationals and industry professionals with diverse experiences in the Oil, Energy, Water, Environment, and Information Technology businesses spanning a decade, was established in 2010 based in Sultanate of Oman, Muscat. SOGS is a 100% Omani company and classified as a Small Medium Enterprise (SME). Strategic specializes in representing international principles in the Sultanate and adds value to its customers by providing internationally recognized organizations with products and services. Strategic Oil and Gas Services LLC serves Oil and Gas industry with providing diversified range of products through international branded suppliers. Strategic adds value to its customers by providing creative and innovative solutions. Strategic aims to fill those gaps that are not provided by anyone else and maintain the operational needs in the industry. Strategic provides products and services vary from upstream to downstream. Whether customers are constructing, operating, maintaining, or upgrading wells, Strategic can provide solutions that make a positive impact on our customer's well activity performance.