
Smith & Ragsdale Interior Design

Design Services


OUR MISSION: To design interiors to be a reflection of our client and their unique lifestyle. We aim to deliver well-designed spaces in which the function, materials, and client-experience converge. This is achieved through careful investigation, thoughtful collaboration with our clients and trades, and keen attention to detail from project inception through completion. HOW WE WORK: We have found our success by allowing creative inspiration in problem solving to be the key ingredient in our process. Creative inspiration evolves throughout the design process and for us, it most often comes directly from our clients. Before we put pen to paper, it is time-well-spent to get to know the client and their family to become intuitive their unique needs and ask: What problems need to be solved? How will the design will enhance their quality of life now and in the future? WHY WE’RE SUCCESSFUL: What it means to be beautiful or well-designed is subjective. There is not one style or approach that offers ALL the solutions, however each residence and each client brings a unique set of challenges and opportunities for creative solutions. We believe you have to look at every element as an opportunity to solve the problem. OUR PHILOSOPHY: It’s simple: design should not be painted with a broad brush; it must be looked at through a microscope. Each detail affects the next and is just as important. We aren’t talking about measuring something to the nearest 1/16 inch, though that is certainly critical. We are talking about having a keen understanding of successful design and creatively applying that understanding to each project. Similar to a fine chef who seeks the best ingredients to elevate a dish, a designer must be intentional about every design decision and make sure every element has meaning, ensuring the design will have no missing ingredients.