
Skills for Jobs Albania

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Skills for Jobs Albania


Skills for Jobs (S4J) is a project mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact Albania. It is part of the Economic Development Domain of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Albania (2022-2025), with specific focus on promotion of employment opportunities and skills development. The project is in its third phase, S4J 3, which started in July 2023 and will last until June 2027. During this phase, the project aims to create training and employment opportunities for up to 29,400 Albanian women and men, including youth and special needs groups. S4J will facilitate the horizontal transfer of key innovation objects/processes previously promoted in the project’s previous two phases, expanding their reach to other VET providers and companies, through capacitated and empowered transfer agents. This phase will focus on further consolidating and documenting these innovations to facilitate scaling, transfer, and institutionalization within the VET system, both in the public and private sector. To achieve its objectives, the project has two primary areas of intervention with 3 specific key innovation objects each Component 1: Access to quality VET offer Digitalization of VET Offer Improvement of Internal Processes and Structures Continuous Professional Development Models Component 2: Private sector engagement in VET Business relations and networks Quality of work-based learning in companies Diversification of offer and upskilling