

Biotechnology Research
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The transition to a circular bioeconomy and sustainable food systems has high potential to contribute to societal challenges such as climate change, substitution of fuel resources and to contribute to healthy food and diets, which is why innovation in the bioeconomy should be accelerated. Although there are significant political initiatives as well as R&D and industrial activities going on, which are designed to develop the bioeconomy sector, there are still challenges in relation to getting a wider uptake of the innovation generated in the sector. One key barrier is that actors from different sectors, such as agriculture, food and chemistry still have limited exchange with each other, and that "sectoral silos" exist. Moreover, bioeconomy is not an own dedicated policy field – the public funding and regulation is therefore scattered and partly incoherent across ministries or geographical levels. To address these challenges the EU-funded project ShapingBio will provide concrete information and recommendations for better policy alignment and stakeholder actions to realize the cross-sectoral potential of the bioeconomy and to reduce the fragmentation across bio-based sectors and food system and policies across regions, domains and governmental levels. Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed on this profile are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them