
Scope Features / Scope Beauty


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Scope Features / Scope Beauty


Scope Features, founded over 40 years ago, is now established as one of the UK's leading photographic libraries and agencies specialising in colour and black and white coverage of personalities from many worlds, including television, film, sport, politics, theatre and music, both nationally and internationally. This coverage comprises: Studio and location shoots, 'At home' features, and reportage. Scope represents many of Britain's leading personality and showbusiness photographers. They are skilled, experienced, and professional in the shooting of top personalities/celebrities at home, in the studio, and on location. There is an elite team of writers working with Scope Features producing up-to-the-minute stories and interviews. Added to the photographers' production is the detailed and prolific output of TV Times, one of a number of magazines represented by Scope Features. The TV Times archive dates back over thirty years and contains unique colour coverage of thousands of TV programmes, American as well as British. Scope's library holds millions of transparencies and there is a knowledgeable and helpful team of researchers willing to meet your requests and deadlines. As well as this vast number of colour transparencies, Scope's library also contains rare and unusual black and white pictures: movie stars, pop stars, sports personalities and various headliners from the 1960's to the present day.