

Environmental Services


SCALEBAN Equipment Pvt. Ltd. (SEPL) helps industries in optimizing Water Conservation & achieving Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) . We offer a unique & sustainable solution that does not require power and steam for achieving ZLD. The conventional technologies available for achieving ZLD emphasizes on recycling of plant effluents which involves very high CAPEX and OPEX whereas we at Scaleban emphasize the Reuse of plant effluent in cooling towers and utilize plant waste heat for its evaporation to achieve sustainable and cost-effective ZLD. With SCALEBAN technology, effluent from various sources of the plant is circulated and concentrated in the cooling tower circuit up to very high TDS levels of even 300,000 ppm without affecting the plant performance by ensuring scaling, corrosion and bio-fouling free operations of entire cooling tower circuit including heat exchangers and condensers. SCALEBAN technology outclasses other globally available conventional ZLD technologies (RO for wastewater, Multiple Effect Evaporators, ATFD, and crystallizers) in many ways: • 70% Savings in CAPEX • 80%-90% Savings in OPEX • ZERO Foot-print • Fastest ROI (within 12 months) • Easy and quick installation and establishment of results For more details, visit our website: