
Rice Research and Development Institute (RRDI)

Research Services


RRDI comprises of main research and administration located at Batalagoda, the Regional RiceResearch and Development Center located at Bombuwela, and 6 research stations located at Bentota, Ambalantota Labuduwa, Samanthure, Paranthan, and Murukan. The Director ( Rice Research and Development ) is responsible for the overall research and administrative functions of the Institute. The Deputy Directors (Research) at Batalagoda, Bombuwela, and Ambalantota look over the research activities at their respective centers/stations. Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) in charge at Bentota, Labuduwa, Samanthurei, Paranthan and Murukan look over research activities at their respective research stations The Institute continues to play a major role in the country’s rice sector by releasing new high-yielding rice varieties and introducing improved rice production and protection technologies to help farmers realize the yield potentials of the area. The research and development program at RRDI focuses on increasing farm productivity from current 4.3 t/ha to 5.0 t/ha within the next 5 years while reducing the cost of production and improving the grain quality of rice. In an effort to attain a quantum jump in rice yields, the breeding program has been focused to develop varieties with a few tillers, sturdy culm, and heavy panicles - a plant architecture designated as the new plant type. Both traditional varieties and introduced lines from International Rice Research Institute are used in the breeding program. The hybrid rice research program has been further strengthened. Efforts are made to develop techniques that will help increase rice plant’s nutrient use efficiency. A need-based fertilizer application method is being tested. This would help maximize the effectiveness of fertilizers applied and reduce the cost of production. Other agronomic practices to reduce production costs are being tested.