
Roydad Naft News Agency

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Roydad Naft News Agency


Specialized information dissemination centers are playing an invaluable role through presenting expert-level, technical, and comprehensive information, news, and reports. The great developments in the fields of information technology (IT) over the last decade of the 20th century are indicative of a new feature for a new era. Now at the advent of the 21st century, the emphasis is on circulating information appropriately and rapidly and not just collecting it. The circulation of inter-organizational and other information particularly in complex sectors like oil and energy industries is as important as the flow of healthy blood in physical organism. Since the absence of a dynamic information center in oil and energy industries was palpable, the Roydad Naft News Agency was established in 2019. Accurate, reliable, and fast dissemination of information about main national and international developments in the energy sector, publication of special issues and specialized periodicals on oil, gas, petrochemical, and other sources of energy, and participation in organization of seminars as well as their news coverage and promotional announcement are among the main our jobs.