
Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland


The Academy is in existence since 1882. Although we are called “The Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland”, it is more affectionately known as RAMI. The primary role of the Academy is that of providing a forum for the exchange of scientific information and to promote academic discussion, so essential to scientific progress. The objects of the Academy are: 1. To foster all branches of medical and allied sciences; 2. To facilitate the course of scientific advance; 3. To encourage communication within the medical profession and between the medical and allied professions; 4. And through its journal to encourage the publication of scientific and clinical observations. RAMI has over twenty Sections from Biomedical Sciences, Bioengineering, Surgery, Odontology and Epidemiology & Public Health Medicine. The wide variety of Sections that are covered also appears in the variety of topics covered in the publication of the Irish Journal of Medical Science papers.