
Ron Ries - Affiliate Business Online Solutions

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Our story began in 1992, working in the life assurance industry. We witnessed first-hand the explosive growth of the credit market and garnishee order industry. South Africans were buying more and more – when the cash wasn't there, they turned to credit and micro loans. We knew credit could be abused by consumers, but we didn't yet see it as our duty to help. Interestingly, one day a client came to see us, asking for help with his garnishee order. He had an income and means to pay off his debt, but needed help getting organized and constructing a specific plan. He realized that just like it's hard to lose weight without a diet plan or retire without an investment plan, it's quite difficult to get debt-free without a payment plan. So we helped him build that payment plan. He had over a dozen debt accounts, some with multiple garnishee orders, so the math of what to pay when, was severely complicated. But after hours and hours of building a complex spreadsheet, we finally had a plan. Intrigued by this exercise, we asked some of our assurance clients about their financial health. Across the board, they said their financial problem was debt. And surprisingly, just as with our client, they said their issue wasn't an inability to pay, but rather an inability to organize. This was an eye opener for us. Those conversations with our clients helped us to decide to start Free Me, to be able to help South Africans get organized and pay off their debt. We realized we could build a great model that empowered borrowers to finally take control of their debt situation. We Assist in the Following: 1. Micro-managing of Data 2. The Dos & Don'ts of Debt Counselling procedures ( Debt Counsellors & Credit Providers not acting in good faith) 3. How to apply the National Credit Act 4. We train call centre agents how find the right prospect 5. We involved with a International Coaching Platform, creating Multiple Streams of Income, Mastermind Teams and Self Development.