

Research Services

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The founding aims of ALF ITALY are: - promote initiatives in the framework of development cooperation and international solidarity; - promote dialogue between peoples and cultural realities, in the name of their respective identities and reciprocity, with particular attention to the Euro-Mediterranean area; - protect and enhance common assets of artistic and historical interest in Italy and in Mediterranean countries; - to facilitate the meeting, the connection, the coordination and the cooperation between all the subjects and the civil society organizations that operate in Italy for the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and the exchange of good practices; - identify shared cultural values that can be shared while respecting the different specific identities, in order to promote dialogue between the different cultural realities, especially in the Euro-Mediterranean area; to promote the development of social and cultural visions based on equality between human beings and gender equality through the strengthening and enhancement of the role of women; - promote the method inspired by a Mediterranean Helsinki in the Middle East and Africa; - establish a permanent forum or think tank ( think tank of think tanks ) of meetings, research, analysis and debates in order to produce, actions and publications aimed at promoting coexistence and political, economic, cultural and security interaction; - offer a consulting service, coordinated and developed harmoniously between the various ALF ITALY members, in particular universities, research centers and Italian communities of foreign origin