
Rhetorica: The Debating Society FSS, BHU

Education Administration Programs


We at Rhetorica firmly believe the importance of an individual’s approach and its necessity to be expressed in our civil society. Rhetorica, the debating society of Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU gives you an opportunity to express your idea and become a quintessential speaker of tomorrow.Our goal is not only to eliminate ignorance and irrationality but also to develop confidence and art of public speaking among our enthusiastic members from all walks of life. We took it as a challenge to change this stale culture of ignorance and irrationality and replace it with a healthy debating culture imbibed in values of Rationalism and Humanism. Rhetorica: The Debating Society was formed to complete this mammoth challenge of transforming the debating culture of a whole university. Our logo depicts a podium symbolizing developed oratory skills of an individual. Our motto RESEARCH, RATIONALISE and REPRESENT clearly speaks about our principles and objectives as a debating society. Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it. And finally Representation of such idea makes the three tier system complete.