
PT. Nufarindo (Exeltis Indonesia)

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


Established April 30th , 1974 with the name of PT. EMPEECO, February 24th,1977, changed to PT. Nusa Jaya Farma Indonesia, then on June 15th,1981 using the name of PT NUFARINDO. In its development, PT NUFARINDO do a lot of innovation and improvement. PT NUFARINDO also been equipped with CGMP to improve Quality Assurance on drugs produced by PT NUFARINDO, as well as to expand the marketing network products internationally. December 10th , 2012 PT. Nufarindo join as a member of Chemo-Group a multinational pharmaceutical company, based in Madrid, Spain. With the merger of PT. Nufarindo to chemo Group, intends to transform a good local company into a leading player in the field of pharmacy products. Senior management team has a good track record, proved to have been successful in managing the company well in the past until the transition period. October 15, 2013 Chemo launched a new brand of pharmaceutical "Exeltis". PT Nufarindo as Chemo-Group members, automatically become part of the Global "Exeltis". Our ambition is to consistently outperform the market by maintaining full customer focus, with a working environment that allows people to act flexibly within certain limits.